Registration is closed for this event
DATE: Sunday, April 18th, 2021 TIME: 7:00 PM Eastern Time, 4:00 PM Pacific Time COST: Free to attend as a member of an ALEPH Affiliated or Network Community



A Personal Reflection on the Roots of Jewish Renewal: Reb Zalman, the liberation movements of the '60s, the search for spirit and inclusion, B'nai/Pnai Or to ALEPH, and me - Presented by Rabbi Phyllis Berman


Phyllis Berman is an ALEPH-ordained rabbi (2005) and mashpia ruchanit/spiritual director; also a meditator, chanter, baker, swimmer, partner, friend, mother, savta/grandma, occasional writer and leader of services and life-cycle events, and lover of I-Thou encounters with people.

April 18th, 2021 from  7:00 PM to  8:30 PM